I Learned How To Cook the PERFECT Steak | Easy Step-by-Step Guide
After eating a gross steak, our heroes decided to learn how to cook the perfect steak on their own. ...View More
How I Learned Street Art from a Famous Artist: Doing Graffiti in Medellin, Colombia
After seeing some amazing street art in Medellin, Colombia our heroes decided to seek out one of the ...View More
How I Learned to Code in 4 Months & Got a Job! (No CS Degree, No Bootcamp)
I went from being a college dropout with zero technical skills to landing a software developer job i ...View More
How I Got Fluent in Spanish in 32 Days (Live Speaking + Daily Learning Method)
After failing multiple times, I had a real motivator (baby on the way) to finally learn to speak my ...View More
I MASTERED the Full Splits After Failing The 30 Day Challenge!
After seeing many videos on YouTube of other people learning the full splits in 30 days I decided to ...View More
I grew from ZERO to 100K SUBSCRIBERS in 6 MONTHS (& how you can too)
I took a huge financial risk (again) and went all in on building a YouTube channel. However, after p ...View More
My 6 Month NATURAL Body Transformation | Skinny Fat to Fit | Fitness Tips & Motivation!
I got bone-breaking collarbone realignment surgery to fix an old injury. I wasn't allowed to work ou ...View More
I Learned How To Breakdance in 30 Days! (Entered a Bboy Jam!)
After hearing about a local bboy jam (breakdancing competition) in Colombia, Tim decided to learn ho ...View More
3/7(金)朝刊チェック:重大インシデント続発中! JR東日本ヤバくね?
最新ニュース #ニュース #ニュース解説 #日経新聞 #読売新聞 #朝日新聞 #毎日新聞 #産経新聞 #東京新聞 #社説 #要約 #政治 #経済 ... ...View More
【大谷翔平】【ドジャース】大谷翔平出場!ドジャース対レンジャーズ オープン戦 3/7 【ラジオ調実況】
大谷翔平 ドジャース 大谷翔平速報 2025年3月7日 ドジャース対レンジャーズ戦を実況生配信でお送りします。 今年から ... ...View More